Motherhood Narrated
"Nothing is more appealing than speaking beautiful, life-giving words. For they release sweetness to our souls and inner healing to our spirits."
27 episodes
What's in Your Feed?
We start with another life update here! One of us is moving away... also discussing what's in your feed!

That Life Wasn't Meant For You
Okay, so this episode isn't completely about living your life but enjoy listening to us jump around a bit in hopes to encourage you to take a leap of faith in your own life.
Episode 25

A Season of Wintering
Expecting to live in a season of constant Spring is not only unrealistic but if it could be altered to be that way it would also be harmful. The winter seasons in life can be tough, unpleasant, devastating, depressing, or isolating, but you don...
Episode 24

The Friendship State
We're back and a lot has changed! Listen in for a fun episode about moving, babies, life, and Texas!
Episode 23

Grace and Love
As moms we often think of how to extend grace and love to so many others; our children, our husbands, and our friends. But the person we can tend to leave in the dust is ourselves. Listen in as we talk about our own struggles with loving oursel...
Episode 22

Big Families
We talk about our big families, some of our routines, and answer some of those questions that people ask us like 'How do you know when you're done?' This was a fun conversation that we hope will uplift you.
Episode 21

In this episode we talk about how each of us got into homeschooling, what we thought about it before we each started, and where we are now. We hope you feel encouraged on your homeschooling journey as you listen to us fairly new homeschoolers t...
Episode 20

This episode is about friendship! Friendship is such a treasured necessity that is often viewed as a luxury. We hope you hear our hearts when we talk about friendship and what it means to us as moms and followers of Christ.
Episode 19

Have a Coffee With Us
In this episode we are having a cup of coffee with you! We asked our Instagram community some questions and we'll answer a few while also having some unplanned conversations and Would You Rathers. We hope you enjoy this one!
Episode 18

Marriage and Stuff
We had fun sharing some serious and funny parts of marriage as well as a few things we've learned along the way!
Episode 17

Hearing the Still, Small Voice
One of the hardest things that we've found Christian moms underutilize is the Holy Spirit. Possibly because it's hard to know how to, or even to remember on a daily basis the He was given to us as a helper. Listen as we talk about how we've put...
Episode 16

The Babies are Here!
We're back from yet another break! This time we have some new babies and we're sharing a bit of our birth stories and these newborn days. We thought we'd keep a tiny bit of the cut portion at the end of the episode so be sure to listen all the ...
Episode 15

Homebirth - With Guest Breanna Fowler
We are thrilled to introduce you to our friend Bre for this topic of homebirth! Breanna has had all 3 of her girls at home and is a Doula now as well. We've been wanted to tackle this topic for a long time and couldn't think of a better g...
Episode 14

Your Calling: With Guest Connie Sanchez
We are so thrilled to have Heidi's sister, Connie, on this episode! We've spoken so much about motherhood and truly believe that it is one of the highest callings that you can have on your life. But what if you feel God putting something else o...
Episode 13

Life Update Pt. 2
Well if you heard part one we were recording from the hospital and had no idea that there would be a part 1 and part 2! But God had some other plans! Listen in to hear the rest of the incredible story of God's goodness and miracles!
Episode 12

Life Update Pt. 1
We recorded this from a hospital room weeks ago now. It is an update on some changes in life that have happened during this unexpected break we took. However, this is only part one because God is good and we have more to tell you! Part 2 will b...
Episode 11

See My Weakness
"Motherhood isn't for the faint of heart". While that's true in so many ways, what if we told you that motherhood is in fact for the weak? Listen in as we dive into a deeper understanding of how God uses our weaknesses for good.
Episode 10

The Vinyard
What seeds are you sowing today that will impact your tomorrow? This is a question that can feel overwhelming or even defeating at times. But our hope is to motivate and encourage you to get a fire burning and not just impact your own lif...
Episode 9

You Don't Even Know Me
We had fun with this lighthearted episode. Sometimes you hear something said about you and you take it to heart and let it shape the way you view yourself... even if it's not true! We go through some things we've heard in hopes that you'll be e...
Episode 8

Serving Within Our Homes
Serving is such a big calling on moms. Learning to serve our family first and set our hearts on the right things and right motives is what we talk about in this episode. Hope you enjoy!
Episode 7

Join us as we talk about why homemaking is so important and where we need to be putting our focus. This isn't so much about the tasks of motherhood but really more about the heart behind what we do.
Episode 6

Spoiler Alert - We do talk about Santa in this episode so be aware if you have little ones listening. All the joy of Christmas doesn't need to go hand-in-hand with chaos and presents and debt. We go over some of the things we do for Ch...
Episode 5

Day in the Life
"What do you do all day?"We enjoyed talking about what a typical day looks like in each of our homes. There's so much that goes unnoticed as a mom and yet so much long-term value in what we do. Hope you enjoy this one!
Episode 4